days until Pacific Grove    
and days until The Sentinel!    

College of Marin
Here are some photos from a brick workout and potluck at the College of Marin on Sunday, July 23, 2000.

Hoping to settle the issue once and for all, April asks the group to vote on who has the best legs. And the winner is...

Chris? Let's have a recount.

Can you tell who went out the night before? (Hint: they're all wearing sunglasses, except for Cindy, who doesn't need to hide behind a pair of shades).

I won't lie to you, slicing tomatoes isn't my bag, baby.

Kiefer makes some new friends.

Wow, look at the perfect formation. Can this group pose or what?

Honoree captain Vince Cottman and his daughter, honoree Lauren, hit the road. See you next week.
Kezar Stadium
These pictures are from a track workout at Kezar Stadium on Wednesday, July 26, 2000.

Matthew demonstrates his great comic prowess and upstages official team clown Paul (center), who is visibly upset.

Here's me with half of my mentor group, Sunny "SunnyD" Durack and Angela "Ms. Parma" Musial (yes, as in the ham). Missing are Jennifer "Fearless" Peerless and Erin "Dynamite" Dixon.

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