days until Pacific Grove    
and days until The Sentinel!    

Santa Rosa Ride/BBQ at the Cottman's
Here are some photos from a team bike ride in Santa Rosa on Saturday, August 5, and the BBQ at honoree captain Vince Cottman's house afterwards.

What do you like to do between 7 and 8 on Saturday mornings? Us. We hang out at Safeway.

Show them the new bikes, Vanna.

OK, so this is the only picture I have from the actual bike ride. You can't see the surrounding Santa Rosa countryside here, but believe me, it was nice.

After stuffing our faces with hot dogs and hamburgers at the Cottman's house, we slowly slip away into food coma.

Cynthia struck gold with her post-bike massage fundraiser. That's my old mentor Cindy Wells getting the star treatment.

Um, Cindy? Ciiiiiindyyyyyyy.

Garages are rare in the city, so we spent as much quality time in this one as possible.

I'm ready for my closeup, Mr. DeMille.

Remember to keep hydrated before, during, and after every workout.

How do you make Pauly cry? Serve non-alcoholic beer.

Pauly roams the streets of Santa Rosa in search of more brews. We're still waiting to hear from him.

Go Team!

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