days until Pacific Grove    
and days until The Sentinel!    

Bay to Breakers
OK, so Bay to Breakers wasn't an official TnT event, but seeing how this was the only "exercise" I got between triathlon seasons, I figured I would include it here. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Bay to Breakers, it's the world's largest foot race, held right here in San Francisco. Many people dress up in costumes, as fellow TnT mentor Paul Erskine and I did. Some folks wear nothing at all. (I left those pictures out. Believe me, it's better this way.) For Bay to Breakers, Paul and I assumed the role of supergroup The Intoxicators, whose mission was to ensure that all race participants were, um, having a good time. I'm not sure if we succeeded, but we had fun trying. So much so, in fact, that it took us five hours to complete the seven mile race. Even the mobile tiki bar beat us to the finish line.

The Intoxicators: Tecate and Stoli.

The start of the race. Notice we are beating the tiki bar.

Flying through the crowd, searching for people in need of assistance.

The Intoxicators pose with the Toxettes and surprise guest Jack.

A local band performs on the street. Stoli (a.k.a. Paul) requests "Mmm Bop" and is quickly beaten senseless.

At the finish line, I try to revive an exhausted spectator with some of my magic elixir. Sadly, it didn't work. Oh well, more for me.

Trying to flag down a cab after the race. Oddly, this technique didn't work.

Neither did this one.

Making friends at the bus stop.

Fighting off boredom using some strange orange objects someone left on the street. We put them back, of course.

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